The teams behind the project

We are a group of people with one mission: keep Gaza connected with the world. We do that by providing eSIM donations to Palestinians in Gaza and providing all the necessary information for eSIM donors to donate. Learn who is behind the project.

Connecting Humanity

Founders of the project and the idea of connecting Gaza through eSIM donations, Connecting Humanity team has provided since October 2023 more than 150.000 eSIMs to Palestinians in Gaza, playing a key role in the ensurance of connectivity in the area for people that need to stay connected with the world.

More Information:

The Guardian: Palestinians in Gaza using eSim cards to get around communications blackout

CNN: When Gaza lost phone and internet connection under Israeli attack, this activist found a way to get Palestinians back online

ahram online: ‘Palestinians won’t be silenced again!' : Egyptian journalist Mirna El-Helbawi initiative to get Gaza back online

Esim Donors for Gaza

Partners of Connecting Humanity team, Esim Donors For Gaza is a digital community where worldwide donors of eSIMs for Palestinian people in Gaza can connect, share useful information and find answers to questions related to Connecting Humanity project.

What we aim for is to build a space where donors can get clear, transparent, officially verified information about eSIM donations through Connecting Humanity team. Also, we want to build a space where donors can support each other sharing information and clarifying questions.

For partnership verification, you can check Mirna El Helbawi’s IG account:

Video collaboration of Esim Donors for Gaza for Connecting Humanity

Our IG page linked to the official linkree of the project (“Instagram community page by Donors for Donors”)

We are also administrators of Esim donors IG broadcast channel